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re: Consular Morality Quiz

This is taken 'copypasta' from SWToR forums, the original link is at the bottom, I just thought it was a great idea and wanted to see how my fellow Consulars would go about the following scenarios. Feel free to post additional scenarios if you like Happy

Jedi Consular Freestyle Morality Quiz

In this quiz, instead of simply giving you a few options to choose from, read the scenario and state what your character would do in that situation. Furthermore, state why your character chose that course of action and where on the light/grey/dark spectrum you believe your decision resides.

If you feel you need more information to make your decision, I will gladly provide it. I will also give you an individualized outcome for your decisions based on what your course of action was, and a quick roll of the dice -after all, the moment the choice becomes a sure thing is when it stops being fun, right?

Search your feelings Consular. You know them to be true.

1) Through an (un?)fortunate set of coincidences you have made first contact with a primitive alien tribe. After the initial clumsiness of learning each other's language they start asking questions about jedi and the force. The locals could be quite useful for your current assignment, but you don't know them well enough to know what might be a cultural faux paus. Tread carefully jedi.

Do you tell it to them straight, and hope that the locals are open-minded enough not to burn you at the stake? Do you play coy and keep your cards close to your chest and thereby keep the tribals in the dark about the nature of the universe? Do you try to pass yourself off as some sort of deity and get the tribe to serve you in the coming days? What are your consular's views on educating the unenlightened?

2) Some time ago the republic gave your padawan command over some republic troopers. A few minutes ago you overheard a very loud argument between your padawan and his squad. You can not make out the details but you sense that a few of the troopers aim to rough up your padawan at the slightest provocation. You can hear garbled insults from the other side of the wall. Whatever you're going to do, do it quick.

Do you try calm everyone's nerves and get them to discuss things rationally? Perhaps you should just go in and smack the grunts around before they try anything funny? Do you back up your padawan, or demand to know what your pupil's done this time? Maybe you sit back and try to see how your padawan handles a volatile and dangerous situation. What sort of relationship do you have with your padawan, and how do you view the non-force sensitive population?

3)You have been sent to broker a peace agreement between two rival noble houses. Sadly recent terrorist acts have soured relations to the point that both sides aren't interested in meeting with each other. Although you suspect imperial involvement in the recent bombings both sides have belligerant advisors who dismiss your claims outright. Both sides are preparing for war, and it's up to you to stop them. You've got your work cut out for you.

Do you hunt down the imperials responsible for the attacks and bring the truth to light, hoping that both sides will see reason. Do you "remove" the hawkish elements and try to make your case again? Perhaps you mind-whammy the nobles and force them to come to a peace confrence whether they like it or not? How does your consular bring peace and balance to places that only care for strife and war?

4)Not long ago your padawan (assume this is a different padawan from question 2) killed her first sith on a mission, and it has disturbed them greatly. Her demeanor has become much more withdrawn and nasty, and you sense that she may start on the path to the dark side if things continue this way. While you are checking up on her you discover that your padawan has smuggled some very dangerous sith tomes out of the jedi archives. What do you do?

Do you confront the padawan about her choice of reading materiel and drag her off to have yet another discussion on the dangers of the dark side? Do you say nothing and continue to monitor them and hope you don't have to turn them in? Do you inform your superiors and ask for help, thereby exposing the padawan's problems to everyone? Perhaps you just let them continue, not wanting to make a mountian out of a molehill? How does your character view the dark side, and those who might be corrupted by it?

5) You meet with your old lightsaber sparring partner and learn something very disturbing about your old chum. It seems your friend publicly critisized the Jedi Council on several of it's recent decisions. Most of your friend's political crusade revolves around an issue that you sympathize with. Your friend knows this and has asked you to join the reform movement (very popular with young jedi and padawans). You have all the time to choose, but you need to pick a side.

Do you accept your friend's invitation and figure that this is your only chance to convince the council to change? Do you decline in the belief that the jedi order cannot show disunity in a time of crisis? Do you publicly agree to one side, while spying for the other? What does your character owe their ultimate loyalty to; your friends? The Jedi Order? Your ideals?

(Note that the hot-button issue is intentionally vague, and could be anything such as the Jedi's opinion on romance, being too harsh/soft on the sith and the empire, or even how to maintain good rapport with the citizens of the republic. The issue can be anything provided it cheeses you off enough to make a fuss to the council about it. I will also give you an extra point in the rolls if you state what your chatacter's complaint is.)

Bonus) While under deep meditation your conciousness is thrust into an enlightened state where all is one, time and place have no meaning, etc. etc. You have enough sense of self to ask the force one question before you are tossed out. What is your question?

Mr. Motto is the OP:


Pop over to my Website :D!!

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Miralukan - Consular - Lv.10 | Miralukan - Knight - Lv.15 | Zabrak - Sith Warrior - Lv.6


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re: Consular Morality Quiz

I wish I can take the time in my class right now to answer these questions! I will definitely get to them when I am done tonight!



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re: Consular Morality Quiz

1) I try to answer their questions to the best of my ability while maintaining simplicity. The language is too new to myself to properly define everything and general definitions allow for general understanding so as to avoid any misunderstandings over cultural beliefs. You also avoid complications in the lack of definitions for certain actions, beliefs, etc. If they show an interest in learning what I have to offer it is only far to exchange ideas for ideas and while they learn from me I hope to learn from them and their culture.

2) I would start by calming the situation and discerning what has happened. From there I issue whatever warnings punishments etc are saw fit from what ever happened. Afterwards I discuss what happened with my padawan and try to uncover where the difficulty lies in earning the respect of his troops.

My padawan and I’s relationship is the same as a teacher and students. I pass on whatever I can in hopes of training him and readying him for his own future and to be ready to pass on his knowledge to his own disciple in time. I would be sure to remind him that force sensitivity is a blessing but it does not make us superior to those without and they are every bit as “human” as him or I.

3) My first priority would be to uncover any evidence of Imperial involvement. With that in had I believe the two houses would fall in line and see that they are only being played against one another by another party. Peace talks could then be arranged and perhaps the two houses unite under the conflict the Imperials have caused them. Should neither or one side see reason I would try and find people within the houses that could then maybe talk sense into those that were unwilling to see the truth and if need be remove them from power.

4) If this is my first time ever handling witnessing someone starting to bend to the dark side I would seek aid from my superiors in how to handle the situation. If however I know or have been trained in how to handle the situation I would try and discuss it with my padawan by identifying why is feels a drawing towards it and try and convey the dangers and paths it may lead. Ultimately I leave it to my padawan to handle and keep a watchful eye to see if he continue to fall or if he is able to come back from the temptation.

5) I explore the issue and meditate on it determining if it is in accordance with the will of the Force and the Jedi Order. If so then I support it and if need be voice my opinion to the council if able however I do not allow the issue to complicate or hinder my main duties as a Jedi or distract me from my current mission. If I disagree with the issue I give my reasoning to my old friend in hopes of explaining why the council has such rules or whatever.

Bonus) How can I further the purpose of life?

Remember it’s all just a mirror we made to see ourselves in.

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re: Consular Morality Quiz

1. I council patience. As new ties have recently been established I would expose the people to the ways of the republic slowly. I would make it my mission to learn everything about the culture of the tribe in order to prevent misunderstandings. I would not shock them with my abilities nor would I ever claim superiority. A Jedi ought to remain humble. The process would be slow going but the knowledge that the Republic will benefit the tribe will help me maintain my patience.

2. I let my padawan take care of the situation. Making judgments is part of a Jedi's code and crucial to the effectiveness of a Jedi. Moreover, a Jedi must know his/her limits. If my padawan comes to me seeking my council then I shall, of course, give it. If my padawan decides that he can take care of the situation himself I shall respect his decision even if it means he or she will be beaten. If they are beaten then they will learn that sometimes one must ask for help. A valuable lesson that we should all adhere to.

3. As a Jedi we must work to preserve peace. Sometimes this means going to war for the good of the galaxy but I do not believe war is justified in this case. I would work to understand the situation. If my instincts told me that the Empire was involved I would trust them and infiltrate the base. I would search for evidence and if I found it I would bring it to the families. If they still persisted in their desire for war I would bring the evidence to the workers under their command. I would offer safe passage from the world, for them and their families. I would offer the same passage to the soldiers under each families command. Thus, the innocents would be spared needless bloodshed and the soldiers and families who wished to fight could do so. I will never forcibly impose my judgement on unwilling peoples.

4. Far from confrontation, I invite my padawan to dine with me. I tell him / her that I have come to the knowledge that they possess sith holocrons. I then ask them to bring the holocrons so that we can examine them together. Over future months we would debate the teachings contained in the holocrons. I have faith that the teachings of our order will not fail us and that this study will further our understandings of the force. Never, would I tell them that knowledge is forbidden for that just rouses one's interest. NO, better they come to understand why the knowledge is dangerous under the careful supervision of a master. This will reinforce their beliefs in the Jedi code and increase their understanding of the nature of the force.

5. My loyalty is mine to give to whomever I chose. If I chose to give it to my friend rather than the Jedi Order then that is my business. I will say that my decision would not be made lightly but rather I would meditate on which decision benefits the galaxy the most. If it is the case that the Order needs to be reformed and this is the best way of going about doing it then I would side with my friend. If my friend was wrong, I would do my best to help him see why.

6. Through meditation we will gain understanding of the force. Through understanding the force we shall gain the power to make life better for all living things in the galaxy.

7. (Bonus) In your travels throughout the galaxy you arrive on a world, corrupted by a merciless dictator. People are staving to death and medical treatment is non existant unless one happens to be in the top percent of the ruling class. The regime is built around a personal cult. The Great Leader propaganda is everywhere. Political opposition has completely disappeared and secret police are everywhere looking for citizens who speak the slightest criticism about the leader. One woman you spoke to told you how her friend disappeared last night after making a comment about the Great Leader's height. You hear of plans for a revolution and you eagerly join the fight. The revolutionaries, under your leadership, manage to storm the palace and capture the Great Leader. Unfortunately, you hear of an enormous army approaching to retake the palace. Your poorly armed revolutionaries cannot hope to win the upcoming battle. What do you do?
Do you:
A) Execute the Great Leader for crimes against humanity. This will probably end the regime as it is built around his "immortality".
B) Take as many revolutionaries as you can off world using the Leader's personal ship and leave the world to its fate.
C) Try to fight and die heroically in the battle in the hope that your example will inspire others to take up arms and overthrow the regime.
D) (You choose)

Markis. D Thatch

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re: Consular Morality Quiz

So I know the post is old, but the questions seemed relavent to the Jedi Counselors

1. I would seek out a shaman or holy man in the village of the primitives and ask of their philosophies and histories. I would learn of their culture and their way of life to understand what impact I am having on it. If the shaman mentions anything of a mystical power that seems to flow through each being and is the breath of the galaxy THEN I would explain my view on it. I would also pass on some of the teachings that the Jedi. BUT since the culture is primitive and is untouched by the galaxy I will leave them how they are. Until they develop their own means to naturally join the rest of the galaxy. Knowledge and patience are what builds trust and understanding.

2. I would tell my padawan to handle the situation on his own. Being a padawan means you must learn how to lead and make your own decisions. If the padawan was unsure of their decision I would counsel him on how to find the correct path to take. For this situation I would tell him to calm down and present his positions on the matter at hand. If my padawan was found to be at fault, then I would remind him or her of the ways of the force and leadership as a Jedi. If the troops were found to be at fault, I would tell the padawan to either man up to the troops and show them you can lead or tell them if they don't wish to follow then get a transfer.

3. First I would find the Imperial source that has soured the relations with both parties. More than likely their are Imperial agents in both factions spreading lies and hate among the members. Once the traitors had been found out i would find evidence that proves their treachery. Then I would tell both King members of the factions that the other has decided to surrender to the other and meet for the terms. I would be there to supervise the meeting and only the rulers may come. When both rulers arrive I present them the information that I have un covered about the traitors in their midst and remind them both that they are proud rulers of majestic and powerful houses. I would show them that the invading forces of the Sith are trying to force the houses to fight each other so that the nations defenses will be weakened for the Sith invasion that is to come.

4. Upon discovering the Sith tomes, after seeing her demeanor change, I would calm the padawan down. Knowing that killing your first Sith is a major event in the life of a Jedi I would be ready to show compassion and offer strength. I would confront the padawan with the Sith tomes in hand and inquire what the tomes said. I would ask if they pertained to harnessing hatred or controlling your rage or even manipulating the force around a person to shoot lightening or cause suffocation. I would judge her reaction to my question and if it is one of shock and confusion I would smile at her and tell her my past. I would tell her that I also was torn after the slaying of my first Sith and felt just as torn as she did now. I would tell her that I also stole Sith tomes from the archive vault and read their many teachings. I would speak calmly and softly as I tell her my master caught me and understood all too well the feelings I was conflicted with. I would tell her that MY master understood my feelings just as I understand yours. The brush with the dark side is one that we all face and must decide to forgo or follow. I would tell her that I came to realize the path of the dark side is full of sorrow and anger begetting more pain and suffering. At this point the padawan's eyes should be as big as her head. I would ask how she feels and what she thinks she should do. On her decision I would take the tomes in my hands and hug my padawan telling her that her master will always be there for her.

5. In the end the only thing that would count to the galaxy is my word and my honor. If I were to go against my honor or my word then I would be betraying myself and thus have no value to the galaxy anymore. The Jedi have their teachings and their ways of handling the situation. Often times the answer to the problem is patience or seeking more knowledge on the situation. The unwillingness to act is a sign of contemplation on the Jedi's part on divining all possible outcomes of all decisions. I would choose the side of the Jedi for their wisdom and their code of honor. If my sparring partner wished to challenge the Jedi and their ways then i would confront him on my own and discern his political views and his political agenda. I would counsel him on his actions and play devils advocate to his scenarios. If they found to be overthrowing the Jedi Order then I would challenge my partner to a duel and see just how willing he is to go for his cause.

6. How did you come to be?


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